niedziela, 16 marca 2014

Saint Patrick's Day Competition - go green!


na blogu znowu się zazieleniło, zatem czas na konkurs z okazji Saint Patrick's Day. Poniżej zamieszczam link do oficjalnej strony tego dnia, na której możecie znaleźć mnóstwo informacji, filmów, zdjęć i muzyki.

Saint Patrick's Day

Po obejrzeniu filmu, odpowiedz na pytanie:
1) W jaki sposób Amerykanie świętują Saint Patrick's Day? (za każdy sposób przyznaję 1 punkt)

Odpowiedzi jak zwykle zamieszczajcie w komentarzach.

Good luck!

3 komentarze:

  1. Kamila Flis kl. V / The most important tradition of celebrations of St. Patrick is wearing clothes is green . Irish in many cities organize festivals and street parades, in which dominates just green. Another tradition associated with the celebration of the Day of St. Patrick is a tradition of drinking whiskey .

  2. Another tradition associated with the celebration of the Day of St. Patrick is a tradition of drinking whiskey . The most important tradition of celebrations of St. Patrick is wearing clothes in green. To celebrate St. Patrick's Day , in many countries around the world is becoming increasingly popular coloring famous places in green. This feast is related primarily to serving the "green" beer and demonstrations of Irish dance and music. Irish in many cities organize festivals and street parades, in which dominates just green.

  3. Irish in many cities organize festivals and street parades, in which dominates just green. The most important tradition of celebrations of St. Patrick is wearing clothes in green. This feast is related primarily to serving the "green" beer and demonstrations of Irish dance and music. Another tradition associated with the celebration of the Day of St. Patrick is a tradition of drinking whiskey. To celebrate St. Day. Patrick, in many countries around the world is becoming increasingly popular coloring famous places in green.
