niedziela, 11 grudnia 2016

Christmas task - task 2

Po obejrzeniu filmu, zapisz jak najwięcej zdań opisujących Święta Bożego Narodzenia w Wielkiej Brytanii.

2 komentarze:

  1. They open a door in they calendary every day in December.
    They make and write Chrismas cards.
    They send Chrismas cards to all they friends and family.
    They decorate a Chrismas tree witch Chrismas decorates.
    They makes mince pies at Chrismas.
    They put presents under the tree and hary up a Chrismas stocking.
    They're grandparents come to they house.
    They open the presents in the morning.
    They have a very special lunch at about 2 o'clock.
    They pull Chrismas crackers.
    They eat a turkey and vegetables.
    They eat Chrismas pudding.

    Jakub. B.
